q Learn Software development from beginning
Learn Software development from beginning

Learn Software development from beginning

Do you know anyone can be a software developer, a creator of any system with your logic and be ready to serve the world as a developer and system creator. The prior things you need to have is enthusiasm and curiosity over how thing is working in your devices like mobile phone, desktop, computer and electronic technical devices. The application is a set of program and interface. The program is a set of code and functions that system performs to show output to the user. The interface is what user sees in their devices.

Look carefully in the image above, you can see the structure of working environment of the system or an app. The app contains basically three combination, frontend, backend, and server. The frontend is typically a design or say mixture of text, images, video or as a whole data that can be understood by any non-technical person. However, the backend is not that easy to understand by any non-technical person. The higher level of backend is even can make a good developer confused for some minutes. So, the backend is the form of logic where the function actually lies. Without backend the any app will be like a dummy application that can be used to show information only. So, the websites or app which shows only information and certain data without letting user to input their own requirements then the site is static i.e., frontend or design with default text and image. Whereas the site that let you to enter your details or login, logout, add your data, images or videos that kind of application includes backend system. And The server is something that has all the data which is retrieved, updated, deleted, created with the help of backend code.


Programming Language  

What is programming language?

May I ask you the question? What is your language? Right now, you are reading English language to get the information written in this text. To communicate between anything’s, we need a language. The language is a key factor that has kept this digital world alive. Without programming language, the world is back to the 19th Era. So, programming language is the things that helps to communicate between different node of devices, from backend to frontend, frontend to backend, backend to server and server to backend. Also, each electronics device is configured with a programming logic like switch between 0 and 1 where 0 means off and 1 means on. Advance electronic devices have advance level of programming language used to understand the input like in washing machine, Cars, Aeroplan, and so on.

So, you understand the importance of programming languages. There are variety of language that has been created by engineers and new languages are also emerging day by day. Various language is popular world-wide such as Java, Python, C+, etc. These languages are serving this world to go in the future of technology.

What you should do first?

To be a good programmer you should start with learning HTML Which is widely used in development of website and web-app. HTML is the base for all the other process of web development. The HTML is the extension that let you to show your data to the customer using website.

Have you ever noticed that some of your photos has .JPG, .png, .gif, .jpeg extension  and videos has .mp4, .mov, extension at the end of the file name. That is the identity of the file. The file extension is always different with the file type.

Filename: site.html – It means the file is HTML type is it can be only rendered in browser like google, safari, etc.


Let’s Create our first application

To create an application first we need to have some platform to write the code and execute it. There are many platforms available in the internet as per the language and framework. The most popular platform is visual studio code. Below is the link please download the app and install it.

Link: https://code.visualstudio.com/download

The first Look of the visual code  

You can open new file or file inside folder save it anywhere in desktop or any other folder.  Now give it a name, first.html and save it.  Here I have created first.html file

Now ! whenever you type this exclamation from keybord it will show you default templates of HTML code. The html code has different tag like




Here in html each tag should be inside <> this greater than and lesser than sign. And each open tag must have close tag like </> with “/” in the front of tag. So when you type “ ! “you will have following output just press enter in keyboard.  

Here we have <html><head><body>

  1. <Html> : It is the main tag of page which job it to say it is now html page and all the tag should be inside me.
  2. <head>: Head tag will have title of the page, and all the link to external styling file.
  3. <body>: Body tag is the main tag here which contains all the design and information like heading, paragraph, image, video, etc.

Let dive into simple hello world app


   Hello World


Write h1 inside body tag like this:

Now save the file and go to run and debug at the left side of the vs code.

And choose your browser to run the site.

Here you can see you run your first app.

Now you can add multiple line or heading tag. There are 6 heading tags. Add this tag inside body and run again see the difference.

   <h1>Hello World h1  </h1>

    <h2> Hello World h2 </h2>

    <h3>Hello World h3</h3>

    <h4>Hello World h4 </h4>

    <h5>Hello World h5 </h5>

    <h6>Hello World h6   </h6>