Nepal’s First Cloud Based Digital Attendance for Digital Attendance Nepal Meroattendance.com
Proposal Meroattendance.com is an online cloud based digital attendance management system, which
allows you to perform various attendance related task with just one click. Some of the Features
provided by Mero attendance are worth using and can never be met with regular way of managing
attendance. Our Main intension is to bring digital platform for different organization getting rid of paper
works as we are continuously seeking for saving as much papers, following the statement “Save paper
save Tree”. The main reason for enrolling with mero attendance is, it is completely cloud based and it
won’t require any hardware or software effort from your personal PC. You data are completely secured
and saved in cloud and you won’t need any assistance for counting and analyzing attendance which will
also help you to save time, money and paper. You will be able to see your staff or any classified member
report with just one click and see each details like the check in date, check out date, hours spend inside
your organization and more of it. You can also add per hour salary and calculate total salary based on
member hours spend inside your organization. Meroattendance.com is one of the most affordable and
smooth system for your digital attendance.